When import PLM-XML, we recommand you to use the import from Assets folder method (with Live sync). Pixyz will detect when updates have been made to one of the part of the PLM-XML and will only reload this part instead of re-import the whole PLM-XML model within your Unity Editor. 

NOTE                Pixyz will look for the files your PLM-XML is pointing. If it doesn't find exactly the one with the right format (for instance: Part10.jt), it will search then for a file with the same name but maybe with different extension/format. 

In order to benefit from this "smart sync" of PLM-XML, you need to follow this step by step import process:

  1. Put your PLMXML folder (with PLMXML file + parts files) in your assets folder
  2. In Unity, first import all the parts to instantiate them but not your PLM-XML file (you can import them all by selecting all of them and click on "Import" in the window)

  1. Then click on your PLMXML and import it with Pixyz by giving a default Import template in order to live sync your PLM-XML

Whenever you make an update on one part of your PLMXML, only this part will be update in Unity by clicking on re-import on the PLM-XML